Friday, November 16, 2007

The "id" in me

I realized that I might be actually playing an experiment of breaking up my personality. Call-boy is the "id" in me -- playful, spontaneous, daring, curious and ready to explore realms beyond my normal reality sphere. He is so in touch with the here and now ... I envy him. But I guess, he came about to save me and provide some respite from the pain and pressures of my real world.

Call-boy was born and exists in the virtual world. I'm not sure if he ought to be allowed to fuse with my real world. He could be dangerous and overly passionate. But he could never be harmful to anybody else except me. He may be the "id" but what I'm sure of is that he is made up of the same kind of stuff as my other selves. Now I truly know that I have a gentle and kind heart and spirit.

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